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WOW so much has happened this past week. I left on August 30th for Georgia with my parents and sister. We had so much fun stopping to get food and just laughing up there. August 31st my parents took me to the base in Georgia and I was SO NERVOUS just from meeting everyone and knowing I would say bye to my parents and sister so soon. This day was full of excitement and joy. Meeting my team was so unreal finally seeing them in person after talking for months over social media. Our parents were also there. They got to see what the base looked like, meeting parents, and tons of questions the World staff people answered. End of the night we had worship and service with them.

This day consisted of us waking up in our tents, our parents coming again, worshiping, and having lunch with our parents before they had to go home.

We had Chili’s and it was so good. They told the workers it was my birthday and they brought me a delicious cake 🙂

I never realized how hard it was to leave my family and how sad it would be. My heart was hurting, but knew this was a new chapter beginning in my life. Knowing I was leaving my earthly family behind for 9 months, but I wasn’t leaving my Heavenly Father he would always be there right beside me.

This past week SO MUCH has happened learning about identity, the Holy Spirit, our Father, and so many more sessions and worship.

omg, I love my squad there the best. I never realized how much I would love them so quickly. We became like family so quickly and so thankful for them.

From sleeping in a tent, bucket showers, porta-potties I don’t mind it all. It has made me so thankful and blessed we still have somewhere to sleep, shower, and use the bathroom.

I have never really been an outside person, but I’m starting to love being in God’s creation. Hearing the wind blow hitting the trees and looking at the stars at night knowing the same God created that. Created me. 🙂

Take a look at pictures from this past week and look out for a vlog video about training camp this past week.

Love you guys.

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